The reasons that led to the emergence and existence of the phenomenon of terrorism

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD researcher in the Department of Politics and Economics (Politics), Institute for African Research and Studies and the Nile Basin Countries - Aswan University.

2 Professor of Public International Law - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law - Assiut University.

3 Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce - Assiut University.


Our research in this study deals with the reasons that led to the emergence of the phenomenon of the phenomenon of the phenomenon of the abhorrent phenomenon, and from here by shedding light on the political causes of terrorism related to the absence of democracy and the marginalization of a certain in society and solving problems and ethnicity facing a problem in a specific problem, and faced a problem in a specific problem, and faced a problem in A particular problem, and as an economic and wonderful problem. not being bound by time and place,
